Ok, so you think you have a cool e-mail address. E-mail name I must say. But is it cool in the eyes of others? I guess it wouldn't matter if you were still in high school or college but, when you are a working professional or you want to be taken seriously, you better consider it well.
I have been gathering information on some e-mail names at work, since I am working on some e-mail marketing strategies for our clients. And to my surprise, I have come across some of the funniest e-mail names out there. Most of them in spanish but, don't worry I will translate them for you. So let's see what your e-mail name** might say about you.
1. natasha_lamenor - (lamenor = theyoungest) so you might have 10 brothers and sisters, your name is Natasha and you really are the youngest of them all.
2. girly_rockstar - you love rock music, are a singer or play an instrument... and you're a girl... or want to be a girl!
3. yen.sexybabe - I don't think sexy women go around telling people they are sexy... unless you really are not but want to believe you are.
4. vincidark - he/she loves Leonardo da Vinci and likes dark places.
5. lacangri2007 - la "cangri" is a puertorrican expression used by Reggeatoneros to denote someone is important... and you probably opened your account on 2007. For more "cangri" definitions check the Urban Dictionary.
6. lanenadesam (samsdaughter) - your dad is called Sam, Sammy or Samuel. Or you probably have a boyfriend with that name and you belong to him. Or maybe you're related to the serial killer "Son of Sam".
7. borricua_007 - first of all, "boricua" is written with one r!... and it's another puertorrican term used to describe people from Puerto Rico. By using the "007", you're letting people know you've always wanted to be James Bond.
8. boricua_guerrero - (warrior from Puerto Rico) you are always fighting with everyone or belong to the Independent political party (PIP-Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño).
9. poderosalesdanimar - your name is Lesdanimar and deep down in your soul you are powerful... or have superhero powers!
10. sweetsecretary38 - this one is easy. You are 38 years-old, work as a secretary and, apparently, are very sweet.... or you're sleeping with the boss!
11. eragon124 - you are a mega-fan of "The Lord of the Rings" movie and have seen it 124 times.
12. knights_crusades01 - you were a knight in shinny armour, who fought in the crusades and this is your first reincarnation. Or maybe your life has been a crusade for as long as you've lived!
13. barbiejanice2004 - you are a "Barbie girl in a Barbie world", your life revolves around plastics (credit cards), it is fantastic and it has been ever since you changed your name to Janice in 2004.
14. lamasdeseada69 - (themostwanted69) easy! You're a porn star and love position #69... or have been wanted by the law 69 times.
15. katy_dra.corazon - (katy_heartdr) this one has more than two possibilities. You either love mending hearts, love breaking hearts, have had your heart broken many times, or work as a Cardiologist named Katy.
16. armybrat - easy as 1-2-3.
... and last but, not least....
17. thecharlinator - your name is Charlie and you love the movie "The Terminator". Or you're like me, who really thinks Phineas and Ferb's Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz is hillarious!!
BTW, my e-mail name is a combination of first and last name, which is what most people use. Thanks for reading and feel free to ad some more e-mail names to my list.
**Some of the names have been modified because they were too obvious to be posted without permission.