Have you ever just suddenly wanted to be spontaneous and rebellious? You know, for real DO something crazy not just contemplate the idea, daydream or think about it? Like on your way to work, take a UTURN and go to the beach…maybe call in sick or just forget your responsibilities. I remember this TV ad once, it’s kind of fuzzy but basically it was a group of people in a car talking about taking a right turn and going someplace fun instead of going straight (pun intended) to work. We can all imagine what happened in the end…they didn’t turn. Most people, and I include myself, are afraid for some reason of work and responsibilities. Work…responsibilities…cleaning…debts! I hate these words, they’re long and have negative connotations. But these are the words that run our lives. It’s like we’re afraid of being reprimanded or as being seen as irresponsible or inconsiderate. When really we’re watching our LIVES fly right past us as we sit in our small cubicle looking at the computer monitor all day and putting up with the bullshit attitudes of our bosses or coworkers. SERIOUSLY?
So as luck would have it, I was presented with the opportunity (BTW anything that presents itself unexpectedly and sounds FUN/POSITIVE/DIFFERENT, do it) to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina for one month to study Circus acts like trapeze, “telas”, and bungee. At first I thought, wow this is gonna put a hole in my wallet. Next I thought, how am I gonna explain this at work? Third, this is crazy! I can’t drop everything and leave for a whole month. What about my payments? I already know I’m going to have to ask for a leave of absence, meaning NO salary, NO income whatsoever. Can I afford this?
All of these questions and worries kept popping in my head. Suddenly I realized they were all about WORK and DEBTS and RESPONSIBILTIES. The words I dreaded most! I hadn’t even stopped to ask myself, do I wanna go?... HELL YEAH!! Argentina for a month? Are you kidding me? Is this a dream? Is my alarm clock gonna go off and I’m gonna wake up and realize that it’s tuesday morning and my mundane routine is still on track? But it wasn’t a dream, this was the real thing, the adventure I had been waiting for. That’s where I remembered the TV ad. What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO??? Finally, I decided forget the debts…everything can wait till I get back. Yes. I’m young and these opportunities don’t present themselves everyday. I bought the ticket and started to find out everything I could about Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Months later, I look back and can say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. Another time I’ll tell you about the trip itself but for now what’s important is my decision and what I think of it now. When I came back, my whole perspective of life changed. I stopped doing things I didn’t like to do and started to do more of what I loved. I had more courage to take chances and risks without really thinking about consequences. The biggest and most recent has been leaving my job. I have a new dream and a huge desire to make it real. Even if it doesn’t come true I know I won’t regret trying. Plus I’ve already learned everything can wait till we come back.
Hope you enjoyed this…I’ve enjoyed writing it. Have a good one!