Seeing as we're in the Christmas season I'd like to start by telling you about an inspirational message a co-worker and friend of mine sent me a couple of weeks ago. It spoke about a kind of truth we tend to forget. How our actions, words, and expressions follow us everywhere we go (like a shadow), even if it happened yesterday, a year ago, or just a few minutes.
Classic example: Did we greet the person in the elevator or did we just look up? Did we smile and thank the person who opened the door for us or did we just pass? What were we thinking about that made the whole lunch area at work silent and cold?
We forget that we emit an aura; intangible as it may be, beware the effects it can create, especially if it gets too dark. Our actions and moods DO affect everything and everyone around us.
My anecdote: It’s surprising to hear how many people are described with having a dark cloud surrounding them. An ex-coworker of mine was like that, unfortunately. It got to a point where no one came in contact with him, hisaura was too dense. Maybe, if he had read this piece of wisdom it would have done wonders...Here goes my insightful thought:
"Each of us builds our own prison or our own palace". If he had known he could control every expression and emotion he exuded the tables might have turned, because we all know he is a good person at heart. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes the effects our shadow creates.
That's why it's important to remember that WE CONTROL if we want to feel depressed over the douchebag who left us for no good reason, or anxious to finally have time to take those acting classes we always wanted. And what better way to start than by empowering your mind with a new motto, "An aura of beauty attracts beauty. An aura of love attracts love. An aura of life and joy attracts unbounded light".
Only you are the master of that aura, the sky is the limit!