Last Sunday I was walking on the pier at the marina. Towards me walks this confused-looking man. In the many years that we’ve been coming to this marina, I had never seen him before! He was odd looking, a 40-something year-old man dressed in a sleeveless white shirt, sneakers and a man’s bikini... Yes, he was wearing a bikini in a place where you RARELY, if not to say NEVER, see men wearing bikinis!
As we got closer to each other, he smiled at me... and I smiled back. Not too much! His more-than-excited smile was like those people who can’t wait for the chance to talk to anybody. So I decided to quicken my step as if in a hurry and get to my car. After all, I really did had to go to the car before going for a sail.
I did notice something, though. He had a “special” look, he looked... different. Then I realized he had Autism. Nothing confusing or odd about it, just that his sense of fashion was a little off. One is always so quick to judge on appearance!
When I came back from the car he was still there, sitting on the pier. I started to hear music, not from the radio, it was live. A beautiful melody was being played. Suddenly, I felt as if I were inside a movie and the theme song started to play. As I walked by the man I saw that it was him who was playing... a red Concertina. A Concertina is like a small accordion, a squeezebox, the one that you have to open and close in order for it to make a sound. The notes are created when you press on its buttons while “squeezing” this instrument. I had never seen anyone play this instrument. At least not in front of me. Oh, but what a beautiful melody he was playing, so moving! Even more moving was the fact that he was “special”. This autistic man, whom I judged earlier on his appearance, suddenly became a beautiful person to me.
I’ve always thought that beauty has nothing to do with how you look, but has much to do with self-esteem. With the way we carry ourselves. I believe talent is what makes a person beautiful. Talent in music, painting, dancing, sports, writing, photography, graphic design... you name it. When people don’t show their true talent the become... ordinary. But when you let your talent shine... you transform into a beautiful human being. I believe everyone has talent, but not many of them show it.
As I reached the boat slip, I turned my eyes towards the sky and thanked God for giving me the pleasure of hearing this man’s musical talent through his red Concertina. His melody stuck on my head for the rest of the day.
Have you let your talent shine yet?
2 comentarios:
Wow. Humbling experience! Thank you for sharing. Loved your story-telling talent. Hope to get more of it here!
Beautiful story. I felt it.
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